How To Turn Your Content Into Clients In 1 Hour Using The Grow Solo Content System

I will show you how to turn your LinkedIn profile into an inbound lead flywheel in 1 hour.By showing you my proven “Grow Solo Method”.This method helped 7 figure founders grow their following, explode their engagement, and close $thousands worth of deals in DMs.Doing this allows my clients to:* Generate consistent inbound leads…
* Create resonating content with their ICP…
* And make money from their personal brands…
This isn’t the best way to solve a problem – it’s the only way.

“What’s The Offer?”

I will show you how you can create a content system that will attract inbound leads in 1 hour.By the end of this call, you’ll uncover the next steps, dissolve overwhelm, and take unstoppable action in your business.We’ll achieve this with my Grow Solo Content System.The same system that helped me to;* Grow 40,000+ followers in 12 months
* Become a Top 20 UK Favikon creator
* Build a multi-figure personal brand
* Reach 10,000,000 Impressions
* Generate $1M+ of pipeline…
This is how I help myself and my clients – and I’ll use it to help you too.

“How Do You Get Me Results?"

Together, we’ll work on these 3 steps to get you results…First…We’ll nail your Ideal Client Persona and offer.Creating content for everyone and hope that it stick is the worst possible way of building a personal brand.You need to know who you are talking to.We’ll ensure your ICP and offer is the best they can be, so that your content actually works.Second…We will map your authentic voice so you stand out.You don’t need to be an experienced storyteller to stand out in the crowd.You just need to tell your own story.We will design how you can tell that story the best way, tailored to your ideal client persona.And third…We’ll create a content plan that will turn your profile into a lead-generation machine.Creating content often feels exhausting - especially if you must run a business first.You don’t know what to write or who to write to.With my Content System, we’ll map out the best possible strategy for you.I will show you how to turn your ideas into engaging content, without stressing about it.

“What’s Required From Me?”

A few things…

  • You must be consistent and patient. Unlike ads and promotions, growing your personal brand is a long-term play. Understand that the key to your success is being consistent and time.

  • You must engage with others. You can’t just write content and hope to grow. Social media is about engagement, so you should take time every day to engage with others.

  • You must report back after 30 days. I care about my clients’ results. So please take action on the system we discussed. And report back after 30 days.

If you check all 3 boxes then you’ll benefit from our call together.

“What Exactly I Am Getting?”

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 1 hour 1-on-1 consulting with me.

  • My Notion Content System to scale your brand.

  • Access to updates on the hub forever.

Imagine having a premium ghostwriter in your pocket…Dedicated to YOUR business for an entire hour…That’s exactly what you’re getting.

“What’s The Investment?”

I charge $20,000 to work with founders in-person…But a phone call with me won’t cost anywhere near that.Here are 2 reasons why:1) I make money with my agency. I’m a personal brand consultant, but my primary source of income is my own business - as should every consultant’s.2) I have higher-end offers. If this call is beneficial, you’ll hire me for a longer consultation, tell your friends about me, or give me a testimonial.For these reasons…This is one payment of £450.I plan to raise this price every month.My goal is to charge $2,000 for one of these.My personal branding expertise combined with your industry experience will make you months' worth of progress in one call.This is how we get results – and we’ll get results for you too.

“How Do I Get Started?”

If you’re ready to get started…Then click the link below to schedule your call date and submit payment.

You'll receive details on the next steps after you pay and book your first call. Feel free to message me on LinkedIn or email me if you have any questions.See you on the call,Luke Shalom